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Proposed Action and Preliminary Alternatives

Pacific Missile Range Facility and Kōkeʻe Park Geophysical Observatory Real Estate Environmental Impact Statement

Proposed Action

The Navy proposes to maintain long-term Department of Defense use of the 8,348 acres of State of Hawai‘i lands on Kaua‘i for operational continuity and sustainment of the military readiness mission. NASA proposes to maintain long-term use of the 23 acres of leaseholds and easements on Kaua‘i for continued operation of Kōkeʻe Park Geophysical Observatory (KPGO). The Navy and NASA existing real estate agreements for State lands were established in 1964 and 1965 and are set to expire between 2027 and 2030.

Alternative 1: Succeeding Current Real Estate Agreements.

Under this alternative, the Navy and NASA would apply to the Department of Land and Natural Resources for new long-term real estate agreements in the same manner, similar duration, and for the same uses as the current leases and easements. The Navy’s agreements would include 684 acres of land leased exclusively by the Navy and 7,664 acres of easements. NASA’s agreements would include 16 acres of land leased exclusively by NASA, 7 acres of easement lands, and would continue its Use Permit with the Navy. This alternative would not change any use or maintenance of existing infrastructure and would not involve construction, renovation, or demolition of facilities.

Alternative 2: Fee Simple Acquisition of Current Real Estate Agreements for Leaseholds.

Under this alternative, the Navy and NASA would pursue fee simple acquisition of 700 acres (684 acres for Navy use and 16 acres for NASA use) of leaseholds, and otherwise obtain use of the remaining acreage as described in Alternative 1. The new Navy fee simple land of 684 acres would include 392 acres of land at the Main Base, 89 acres at Kamokalā Ridge, 0.29 acre at the Mānā Water Well, 0.015 acre at Miloli‘i Ridge, 203 acres at Mākaha Ridge, and the NASA fee simple land would include 16 acres at KPGO. This acreage would be transferred from ownership by the State of Hawai‘i to the United States. This alternative would not change any use or maintenance of existing infrastructure and would not involve construction, renovation, or demolition of facilities.

Alternative 3: No Action Alternative.

Under the No Action Alternative, the Navy and NASA would not seek any real estate agreements for the State lands on Kaua‘i after expiration of the leases and easements between 2027 to 2030. The current real estate agreements for 8,348 acres with the Navy and 23 acres with NASA would expire. All existing infrastructure would be removed, or abandoned in place, from Navy and NASA leased and easement lands.